IDEF 2017 Fair
23 Mar 2016
Within the scope of the EGM Armored Tactical Vehicle-1 Contract Technology Acquisition Obligation (TKY), signed between the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries and Nurol Makina ve Sanayi A.Ş. on March 23, 2016, a signing ceremony was held at the IDEF 2017 Fair for the "Development of Biological Warfare Agent (BWA) Detection and Diagnosis Systems (BIOSENS) TKY Project" between Nurol Makina ve Sanayi A.Ş. and NANObiz® Technology A.Ş.
This TKY Project involves the development of biological detection systems (BIOSENS) that can be used in the detection and diagnosis of Biological Warfare Agents.
The BIOSENS TKY Project, which will be completed in 33 months with the collaboration of SMEs under the responsibility of the Contractor, will enable the acquisition of systems for the detection and diagnosis of Biological Warfare Agents through national means, thereby building human resources, infrastructure, and knowledge in the field of CBRN.