What is DecoNano©?
DecoNano© is a new decontamination solution developed by Nanobiz Technology Inc. The solid component of DecoNano©, which consists of nano-macro particles, incorporates a catalyst designed by NANObiz® Technology Inc.
It is environmentally friendly and delivers a 99.9999% decontamination efficiency against biological hazards, ensuring both high performance and ecological safety.
Hydrogen peroxide-based decontamination solutions represent a new generation of disinfectants that combine robust antimicrobial effectiveness with environmental sustainability. These solutions are highly effective against a broad range of pathogens, including spores, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other harmful microorganisms.
A crucial factor in developing advanced decontamination solutions is accelerating the conversion of hydrogen peroxide into active oxygen. By facilitating this reaction more efficiently, catalysts enable the rapid production of active oxygen, enhancing the speed and effectiveness of decontamination solutions.
Test Method: NATO AEP58
Bacillus subtilis spors (ANTRAX simulant)
Aspergillus niger
Brucella melitensis (Gram-)
Aspergillus flavus
MRSA (Gram+)
Aspergillus versicolor
Salmonella spp. (Gram-)
Penicillium funiculosum
E. coli
Chaetomium globosum
Bovine Herpes virus Type 1
Tylopilus virens
Agents used in NATO AEP58 tests.
How does DeconNano© work?
The solid component of DecoNano©, which consists of nano-macro particles, incorporates a catalyst designed by Nanobiz Technology Inc.
Once this catalyst is introduced into the liquid phase of DecoNano©, the solution activates rapidly (1 min.) and the resulting solution efficiently neutralizies biological contaminants.
DecoNano© has been confirmed to maintain a shelf life of over 4 years at room temperature (25°C) according to the "TGA Instructions for Disinfectant Testing, 2021". The developed decontamination solution demonstrated highly effective (>6 LOG) performance in accredited NATO AEP58 tests against biological agents, including spores, bacteria (both Gram+ and Gram-), fungi, and viruses, within 30 minutes.